Gay Dating

How To Use Reverse Psychology On Someone You Fancy

Gay men passionately kissing

To pique the interest of a guy you really fancy, it’s definitely worth using persuasive reverse psychology tactics on them. On Gay Adult Chat – the UK’s busiest gay phone chat line service – there are so many hot and horny real men looking to make a connection that it’s essential to use some competition beating techniques, if you want to stand out from the crowd.

If it’s been a while since you dated, it’s natural to feel a little anxious and overwhelmed by the prospect of using techniques to enhance your flirting and seduction skills. Learning how to use reverse psychology – encouraging a behaviour or belief by doing the opposite – is a smart move that many people put into practice when they’re looking to click with someone they’re crushing on.

Reverse psychology techniques can save you a great deal of time, effort and energy on the dating scene. To dramatically improve your chances of getting a date, follow our simple steps…

Limited availability

Appearing too keen can have a detrimental impact on the connection that you’re trying your best to establish with a fanciable guy. Macho alpha men are genetically programmed to pursue, so making the chase too easy for them will ensure they quickly lose interest in you. To maintain and grow a hot guy’s interest, you need to demonstrate that you’re the prize that’s worth winning.

Focus your attention on being yourself, and tweak your online and app dating profiles to show yourself off in the best possible light. Sell yourself without boasting or bragging, and make sure that your tasteful, eye-catching photos are bang up to date.

Instead of instantly pursuing the hottest guy, spend a little time chatting and flirting with a variety of men of different ages and backgrounds. When the guy you fancy sends you a cheeky wink or message, resist the temptation to respond straightaway. Play it cool and make him wait a day or two. Being unavailable makes a man work harder to get your attention.

Hold back

Once you get round to replying to the sexy guy you have the hots for, don’t be in a rush to share your life story.

Being friendly, but elusive, will encourage him to make more effort in getting to know you. Ask him questions about himself and his life, while maintaining an air of mystery about yourself. When you’re chatting or texting keep things light and fun, and flirt without going overboard.

Leave him wanting more of your time by limiting communication because you’re otherwise engaged. Having the confidence to detach from any potential dating outcome will maximise your chances of bagging a date with the guy you fancy.

Play a little hard to get

Letting a man know that there are other admirers vying for your attention is definitely a good thing. A confident man secretly likes to receive confirmation that he’s spotted the prize that appeals to his competition.

Use reverse psychology by showing the hot guy how valuable you are as a potential lover or romantic partner. Let him know that there are a number of men currently messaging you. But never boast that every man you come into contact with wants to date you though, as that may turn him off.

Tell him that you’re super selective about who you date. Playing a little hard to get while showing discernment will make him step up to claim his place at the front of the dating queue.

Be unpredictable

When two people are getting to know each other, it’s common practice to set challenges that test reactions, and to learn more about the dynamics within the connection. Show off your fun and spontaneous side by setting someone you fancy a challenge in a playful manner, and sit back and watch him take the bait.

Be bold and unpredictable and tell him you’ll agree to a date if he does X, Y or Z. You can challenge him to plan a fun outing, or a quirky or daring activity for your first date. State that you don’t believe he’s capable of delivering whatever you’ve challenged him to, and make a bet on it.

Expressing doubt that the hot guy can do a particular thing is a sure fire way for an over confident person to unintentionally do what you want him to do. As he’ll be keen to impress you, you’ll also be able to see how much effort he’s willing to make on your behalf.

Test his character

One of the classic ways to use reverse psychology is to accuse someone you fancy of being the opposite of what you want him to be. Be bold and daring in a flirtatious way, and let him think that he’s probably too squeaky clean to be in your orbit.

If he’s keen on you, you can expect him to reply with a statement that let’s you know that he’s much naughtier or dirtier than you can imagine!

Reverse psychology tactics can enhance your dating experience for the better. That’s because when someone has something to prove, they naturally want to assert autonomy and independence. By giving the man you fancy the control in your connection you create the illusion that they’re choosing the dating outcome that you really want to achieve.