Gay Dating

5 Reasons Not To Date Hot Married Men

handsome married manOn Gay Adult Chat – the UK’s busiest gay phone chat line service – it’s super easy to flirt with hot and horny guys. You can chat, practice your flirting and seduction techniques, and make arrangements to meet on a date with real men from all over Great Britain. Read our 5 reasons not to date hot married men.

Although many of the flirtatious and friendly guys that you connect with online are free and single, there’s also a chance you’ll encounter gay, bi-curious and straight men looking to fool around and cheat on their partner.

While having a steamy affair can certainly offer ample opportunities to exercise your passion and libido, hooking up with a married man is a dating option you need to disregard as soon as it pops up into your head.

Here are 5 reasons why…

  1. You give, he takes

Dating a married man requires you to give far more than you’ll ever receive in return. As your availability will always be dependent on his schedule, he’s in full control of your dating life.

When planning to hook up, as a single guy you’re likely to have the whole day reserved for him. The married man however can only offer you a few hours of his time as he has other, more important commitments.

And after a passionate overnight encounter, the married guy will make a speedy getaway as soon as he can, leaving you feeling lonely and rejected.

  1. His actions speak louder than words

A hot married man will give you plenty of evidence that he avoids dealing with situations head on. His sneaky and devious behaviour, and fooling around antics, will clearly show you how little respect he has for the partner that he’s supposedly committed to. Having an illicit affair with you simply makes up for what he’s missing in his relationship.

Being bold enough to betray the trust that his partner has for him is a red flag that you should never ignore. If the married guy you’re dating can so easily lie and cheat on his partner, there’s zero guarantee that he’s not taking the same action behind your back. You may be one of many NSA dating options that he has lined up.

  1. Being his little secret disempowers you

As a ‘secret’, you have limited freedom to express your desires within a relationship with a married man. Although it can be exciting and thrilling to date someone in secret, not being able to go to public places as a couple can make you feel disempowered and sad.

Being his dirty little secret can have a detrimental impact on your self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth and emotional wellbeing. There are no opportunities for PDAs, or for walking together freely and showing off your loved up glow. You also won’t be able to share special moments with the hitched guy you have the hots for, as he’ll probably have a no-contact rule that limits when you can text or phone him.

The married man is permanently on alert mode, as he’s worried about his partner finding out that he’s playing around. And if you’re dating one who is bi-curious or straight, he’s likely to be constantly on the lookout, to avoid anyone discovering that he’s exploring his sexuality.

  1. He’ll never commit to you

Even if the guy you’re dating is in an unhappy or unsatisfying marriage, he’ll have no intention of getting out of the relationship, if he has you on the sidelines as a casual NSA dating option.

Yes, he may say that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but if he’s going home to his partner after a romantic date with you, he’ll never give you a serious commitment. You will always be a backup plan for the married man who has no desire to walk away from his committed relationship, player lifestyle and home comforts.

  1. You’ll miss out on better dating opportunities

When you make the choice to date a married man, you instantly block other suitable options from connecting with you. It’s easy to be seduced by the mature, successful man who loves to flirt and has the confidence to get anyone he wants. Falling under the love rat’s spell makes you totally blinkered to the fact that there are lots of hot and horny single guys who are looking to meet their match.

As long as you remain devoted to the mated and unavailable man, in the hope that he’ll leave his spouse for you, you’re missing out on great opportunities to date fun and sexy guys that won’t put conditions on you or your relationship.

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