Gay Dating

How You Can Still Date Whilst Social Distancing


guys dating in a field

Dating might have taken a back seat for a lot of people, as it’s not been the most important thing over the last few months. As we’re ever so slightly getting back to some sort of normality, how can you start dating whilst social distancing?

There are a number of ways you can still have dates and see if you have that special connection with the other person.

Here are just a few ideas to try if you want to get yourself back out there and start dating again.

A video call date

This is a great place to start before you decide to meet, as you can get an idea of whether you think the spark is there and whether you would actually like to meet up. You can gauge someone’s reactions and their tone and see their facial expressions.

Watch the same movie at the same time

 Pick a movie you both want to see and watch it at the same time – it means you can either discuss things throughout, as if you were together, or you can have a chat at the end about what you liked and what you didn’t like.

 Cook together

 Find a meal you both like and plan a time when you can cook together. You could video chat whilst doing it to see if you’re doing it the same way.

If cooking isn’t your thing, you could order the same takeaway, or for something more exciting – order takeaway for each other!

Go for a walk together

 Now we’re allowed to meet up with people from outside our household – whilst maintaining social distancing – why not go for a nice walk together? If you live on the coast, a nice seaside walk on a sunny day could be really romantic, or in your local park. You could even stop and have a picnic.

 Book a space in a pub garden

 Now that pubs are open again you could book a table in the garden and have an almost ‘normal’ date! Sit and have a few drinks and/or some food and hopefully some good conversation.


If you’re still looking for someone to date, how about giving Gay Adult Chat a try?! You can chat on the phone or by text on your mobile so join today!